Lindsay’s Wellness Blog
Divorced & Rising: 5 steps to your comeback after separation
Here are 5 things that have helped me feel better about myself, take back control and prove there is a comeback after separation. 1. Prioritise your happiness, boost your resilience Research shows that one negative event per day can be 3-5 times more powerful than one...
Divorced and Rising
I thought I’d never feel happy again. My experience was not a good one. Due in part to my own mindset: unable to let go of my concept of the nuclear family and my fear of the future. I couldn't get over the loss of my family structure and my family home, on which I...
Know your strengths
Do you know your strengths? Positive Psychology is the science of thriving and it’s an approach that concentrates on building on strengths to promote wellbeing and resilience. Your strengths are your unique personality traits, your natural areas of excellence, and...
What is Positive Psychology Coaching?
WHAT IS POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY COACHING? It’s an amazing way to increase your happiness and resilience, to feel better and more hopeful. It’s a way to find your meaning and values and have the confidence to go after what you want. Positive Psychology is the scientific...
How to stick to your New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year! So what's your take on New Year's Resolutions? If you're anything like me, you may have written them off as a nice concept that doesn't really work. As a coach, I think any time of year is the best time for coming up with good intentions and whilst...
Satisfying winter soups
I love having soup when it’s cold outside. It's winter’s version of a smoothie! Although I suppose technically it's the other way around and a smoothie is summer's soup. In any case.... Soups have cooked food so they are easily digested, they have a high water...
Lavender for Insect Bites
Lavender: my essential summer Essential Oil Years ago I would have rolled my eyes if someone had suggested that I used essential oils as first-aid remedies (or for any reason, for that matter). Then I had a friend who used them all the time and when I was going...
Food and Mood
Boost your mood with food Food has the ability to improve your mood. If you’re experiencing mood changes, irritability, anger etc, it’s a good idea to take a look at your health and lifestyle first. While it might be related to a medical condition, consider what...
Habit Change
The magic of health coaching comes with habit changing! We all have things we want to improve on (eat better, sleep/exercise/meditate more etc) and often we know what we should do but actually doing it is another matter. Health Coaching helps you to identify where...
Mindful Eating
The benefits of mindful eating Where are you at with the concept of mindfulness? Do you think it’s just one of the latest health trends and you’re skeptical or are you already convinced about its benefits in today’s hectic world? Mindfulness is becoming more and more...
Why is Self Care so important?
The importance of self care Self care, spending a little time prioritising ourselves, is often the first thing that gets pushed aside in our busy, everyday lives. It’s often when we’ve gone too far that we finally wake up and realise the importance of nourishing...
Snack-free January
SNACK-FREE JANUARY As a health coach I will never recommend any crash or fad diet. They are not sustainable and lead you to feel rubbish when you can’t stick to them. Whilst January is generally the most popular month to follow a cleansing detox after the Christmas...
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